Buddy Soccer - ADPBuddySoccer

Buddy Soccer


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Activity Details

Buddy Soccer

Meeting Details

Time: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Days: Mon
Recreation Center
20699 Macomb St.
Macomb, MI, 48042


Age older than or equal to 6.00 and younger than or equal to 15.99. The date used for calculating the age is Item Begin Date.
Non-Resident Registration Date Begins May 1, 2024
Resident Registration Begins April 29, 2024

Buddy Soccer

Buddy Soccer

Buddy Soccer is a non-competitive recreational league for boys and
girls with cognitive disabilities, with or without physical impairments. Each player is paired with a buddy, age 10 and up, to assist them as needed. Buddies are provided and all a part of the team. It is free to volunteer as a buddy, there is a $10 fee for the team shirt, included with cost of registration. To become a volunteer buddy, please email Shannon at: [email protected]
Location will be at the Macomb Twp Recreation Center – off the west parking lot.



Charge When Not Billed:
Fee (Standard Fee): $95.00


Charge When Not Billed:
Fee (Standard Fee): $95.00
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